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국제 표준 ( SIPECS : Specification for Internationally Harmonized Codes and Standards )의 현황

by 명지한량 2012. 11. 13.

국제 표준 ( SIPECS : Specification for Internationally Harmonized Codes and Standards )의 현황
현재 압력기기에 대한 국제표준의 정식 명칭은 "보일러 및 압력용기 - 국제적으로 조화화되는 기술기준 및

표준에 대한 시방 (Boilers and pressure vessels - Specification for Internationally Harmonized

Codes and Standards)"이다. 처음 1994년에 일본과 미국이 압력기기에 대한 국제표준의 초안을 작성할 때에는 
국제압력기기 기술기준 (IPEC, International Pressure Equipment Code) 이었으나 1997년 11월에 재가동된 
최초의 ISO/TC 11동경회의에는 다른 나라의 의견을 수렴하여 국제압력기기 표준 (IPES, International 
Pressure Equipment Standard)으로 변경하여 제출되었다. ISO/TC 11 동경회의에서는 표준을 작성하는 실무
작업반으로 WG (Working Group) 10 이 조직되었으며 의장 (Convener )으로 동경대학교의 Y.Asada 교수가 
지명되었다. 이후 WG 10의 회의가 1년에 3~4회씩 개최되면서 IPES에 대한 의견을 토의하면서 국제표준의
초안을 작성하고 있다. WG 10의 1차모임인 몬트리올 (Montreal) 회의에서는 명칭을 "국제압력기기 기술기준
및 표준에 대한 시방 ( SIPECS : Specification on International Pressure Equipment Codes and 
Standards )"으로 변경하였고, 2차모임인 샌디에고 회의에서는 명칭을 다시 "국제적으로 조화화되는 기술기준및 표준에 대한 시방 (Specification for Internationally Harmonized Codes and Standards )으로
  변경하되 약어는 그대로 SIPECS를 사용하기로 결정하였다.

ASME SEC. I  Rules for Construction of Power Boilers
ASME SEC.II PART A Materials- Ferrous material specifications
ASME SEC.II PART B Materials - Nonferrous material specifications
ASME SEC.II PART C Materials - Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals
ASME SEC.II PART D Materials - Properties
ASME SEC. IV Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers
ASME SEC. V Nondestructive Examination
ASME SEC. VI Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers
ASME SEC. VII Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers
ASME SEC. VIII Div.1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
ASME SEC. VIII Div.2 (Alternative Rules)
ASME SEC. VIII Div.3 (Alternative Rules for construction of high pressure vessels)
ASME SEC. IX  Welding and Brazing Qualifications
ASME SEC. X Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels
CODE CASE Pressure & Nuclear Components
ASME SEC.III and XI Nuclear Components
B S ( British Standards U.K.)
BS 5500 Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessel
BS 5276 Pressure Vessel Detail
A P I ( American Petroleum Institute U.S.A )
API 650  Oil 저장용 탱크 제작에 관한 규격
J I S (Japanese Industrial standards JAPAN )
JIS B 8270 Pressure Vessels(General Standard)
JIS B 8271 Shell and Head of Pressure Vessels
JIS B 8272 Opening of Pressure Vessels
JIS B 8273 Bolted Flange for Pressure Vessels
JIS B 8274 Flat Tubesheet for Pressure Vessels
JIS B 8275  Cover Plate for Pressure Vessels
JIS B 8276 Stayed Plate for Pressure Vessels
JIS B 8277 Expansion Joint for Pressure Vessels
JIS B 8278 Saddle Supported Horizontal Pressure Vessel
JIS B 8279 Jacket for Pressure Vessels
JIS B 8280 Pressure Vessels of Noncircular cross Section
JIS B 8281 Stress and Fatigue Analysis for Pressure Vessels
JIS B 8282 Production Test for Pressure Vessels
JIS B 8283 Pressure and Leak Test for Pressure Vessels
JIS B 8284 Quick closure for Pressure Vessels
JIS B 8285 Welding Procedure Qualification Test For Pressure Vessels
JIS B 8286 Sight Classes for Pressure Vessels
K S ( Korean Standards Rep. of KOREA )        
KS B 0076  압력용기의 구조 공통용어
KS B 6733 압력용기(기반규격)
KS B 6714 압력용기 구멍 보강
KS B 6726 압력용기 관찰창
KS B 6728 압력용기의 응력 해석 피로해석
KS B 6712 압력용기 덮개
KS B 6715  압력용기의 볼트 플랜지
STOOMWEZEN 네덜란드 압력용기 규격, LR group(로이드:보험회사) 유지관리를 대행함.
PED Pressure Equipment Directive, 유럽 통합법규중에 압력용기에 관한 법규
  적용시기 : 2002 5 29 이후에 작동하는 모든 PED 해당기기는 강제로 적용된다.
CSA Boiler, Pressure Vessel, and Pressure Piping Code
ANSI B 31.1 Power 배관
ANSI B 31.2 연료개스 배관
ANSI B 31.3  화공플랜트 & 석유정제 배관
ANSI B 31.4 액화석유 이송 배관 시스템
ANSI B 31.5 Refrigeration 배관
ANSI B 31.8  개스이송과 배분 배관 시스템
TEMA Standards Standard of the Tubular Exchanger Manufactures Association
HEI  Heat Exchange Institute, Inc.
  -Standards for Closed Feed water Heaters
  -Standard and -Typical Specifications for Deaerators
  -Method and Procedure for th Determination of Dissolved Oxygen
  -Performance Standards for Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps
  -Standards for Direct Contact Barometric and Low Level Condensers
  -Standards for Steam Jet Vacuum Systems
  -Standards for Power plant Heat Exchangers
  -Standards for steam Surface condenser
  -Condenser Performance Paper
WRC-107 Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical shells due to External Loadings
WRC-297 Local Stresses in Cylindrical Shell Due to External Loading of Nozzles
ASCE-7 American Society of Civil Engineers 
BSI CP3:Chapter V British Standards Institution - Basic data for the Design of Buildings, Chap.V : Loading
UBC - 16 Uniform Building Code - Structural Systems : Structural force
JPI 7R-35-96 Japan Petroleum Institute - 石油學會規格
AWS  American Welding Society
ASME B1.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Tread Form)
ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 Pipe Threads, General Purpose, Inch
ASME/ANSI B16.1 Cast Iron pipe flanges and flanged fittings, Classes 25, 125, 250, and 800
ASME B2.1 National Pipe Threads
ASME B16.11 Forged Steel Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded
ANSI/ASME B16.15 Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings Classes 125 and 250
ASME B16.20a Ring-Joint Gaskets and Grooves for Steel Pipe Flanges
ASME B16.21 Nonmetallic flat Gaskets for Pipe Flange
ASME/ANSI B16.24 Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged fittings,Class 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500
ASME B16.25 Buttwelding Ends
ASME/ANSI B16.28 Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and Returns
ASME B16.34 Valves-Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End
ASME/ANSI B16.42 Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged fittings, Class 150 and 300
ASME B16.47 Large Diameter Steel Flanges NPS 26 Through NPS 60
ASME B16.5   Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings NPS 1/2 Through NPS 24
ASME B16.9 Factory-Made wrought steel Buttwelding Fittings
ASME/ANSI B18.2.1 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws
ASME/ANSI B18.2.2 Square and Hex Nuts(Inch Series)
ASME B36.10M  Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe
ASME B36.19 Stainless Steel Pipe
ASME B46.1 Surface Texture(Surface roughness ,waviness, and Lay)
ASME PTC 25.3  Safety and Relief Valves
API Std. 527 Seat Tightness of Pressure Relief Valves
API 601 Metallic Gaskets for Raised-Face Pipe Flanges and Flanged Connections
API 605 Large Diameter Carbon Steel Flange
SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualification and certification in Nondestructive Testing
ANSI/UL-969 Marking and Labelling System
ASTM A 234 Piping fitting of wrought carbon steel and Alloy steel for moderate and high temperature survice
ASTM D 56 Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by tag closed tester
ASTM D 93 Standard Test Methods for Flash Point Pesky-Martens Closed Tester
ASTM E 8 Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
ASTM E 21 Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic Materials
ASTM E 83 Methods of Verification and classification of Extensometers
ASTM E 125 Reference Photographs for Magnetic Particle Indications on Ferrous Casting
ASTM E 140 Hardness Conversion Tables for Materials
ASTM E 208 Method of conducting Drop Weight Test to Determine Nil Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic steel
NACE MR 0175  Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oil Field Equipment
NACE TM 0284 Materials, Design and Manufacture Evaluation of Pipeline and Pressure Vessels steel for Resistance to Hydrogen-Induce Cracking
DIN 50049 (EN.10.204) Material Certificates
ASNT CP-189  Standard for Qualification and Certification of Non-destructive Testing Personal
ASNT SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Qualification and Certification of Non-destructive Testing Personnel Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oil field Equipment


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