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기타관련 어휘종합

by 명지한량 2013. 1. 25.

1. 행사

a new art exhibit 전시물, 전시품

an outdoor exhibition 전시회

the conference registration desk 접수, 등록

the trade show budget 무역 박람회

the job fair 박람회

the annual sales convention 집회, 모임

a live broadcast of the hearings 청문회

at the press conference 기자 회견

the reception for the delegation 환영회

thousands of delegates 대표자

participations in today's session 참가자

recruit volunteers 자원 봉사자

have a poor attendance 출석자수

give a speech to the attendees 출석자

declare its supports 선언하다

entertain the visiting delegation 대접하다

the participation of each member 관여, 참여

2. 정부․행정

a bureau chief (관청의)국, 부

the opposition candidate 후보

a government commission 위원회

3. 환경

affect the environment 환경

alternative to fossil fuels 화석연료

marine life 해양(의)

the wildlife preserve 야생 동물 보호 지역

worsening air pollution 대기 오염

nuclear waste disposal sites 폐기물 처리

the treatment of wastewater 폐수
