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opic 초급 2회차(회사소개)

by 명지한량 2014. 1. 2.

[2 회 차]
# 2회차 What kind of work do you do? What does your job entail? Tell me about your job.
# 필수요소
1. 회사이름, 부서, 직위, 일한기간 등
2. 회사의 주요 분야 및 주요상품
3. 자신이 맡은 일
4. 업무의 성격 및 특징
TIP! 회사에 대한 기본적인 표현들을 영어로 정확하게 외워놓도록 하자!
TIP! 자기소개와 마찬가지로 속도감 있게, 다양한 정보를 짜임새있게, 막힘없이 말할 수 있어야 한다.
# Useful Expressions

I work at/for -------. corporation.
big/small business 큰/작은 회사
I work for a small-sized / mid-sized/small and medium (sized) firm (중소기업)
It's called 회사이름 회사 이름은~입니다.
**회사를 뜻하는 여러 가지 표현들을 알아둘 것!
company, enterprise, association, corporation, establishment, firm

2. 내가 맡은 업무, 부서, 직급
**업무를 뜻하는 여러 가지 표현들을 알아둘 것!
내가 하는 일은~이다/~을 책임지고 있다
I'm in charge of~
I do~
My role is~
It is my job to decide which product is to go to market.
~부서에서 일하다
I work in the _______ department (division)
My department deals with all kinds of financial issues.
I'm the marketing manager of ~ company.

3. 회사의 분야와 주요 품목
**회사의 분야와 주요 품목를 뜻하는 여러 가지 표현들을 알아둘 것!
My company mainly produces electronic devices, such as ~.
The main product of my company is~.
The main field of the company is~.
We are known for~.
We specialize in ~.
We mainly work on~

4. 근무 기간
I've been working for 회사이름 for 3 years.

5. 일에 대한 선호
I love my job because, -------.
to be more than happy with ~ : ~에 아주 만족하다
I am happy to ~: ~을 하는데 있어 기쁘다 I am happy to be working with my co-workers.
*co-worker 동료

자신의 업무에 관한 객관적인 정보만 주고 끝내지 말고, 업무를 좋아하는지, 이유는 왜인지 등을 간단히 덧붙여주면 보다 창의적인 답변이 될 수 있다.

I have been working for Win Company in the sales and marketing department
as marketing manager for a year and a half.
Win is a mid-sized company, specializing in portable audio devices
and our main product is MP3 players.
We have a design team that
designs new MP3 players of all different shapes, sizes, features, storage capacities, file formats and download services.
It is my job to
decide which of our new MP3 players are put out in the market.
You'll be more than happy with our MP3 players.
I really enjoy what I do and the people I work with.
I am happy to work at Win Company with such energetic and hard working people.
*for 기간: ~동안
*It is my job to~ = I do mainly do~ 저의 주 업무는
*강조해서 이야기 하기
굉장히 마음에 들거예요. "You'll be more than happy > You are going to be happy."
*hard working : 열심히 일하는, 근면한



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