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일상관련 어휘종합

by 명지한량 2013. 1. 24.

1. 의식주

women's sportswear 운동복

a tailored suit 맞춘

take the drinks out of the refrigerator 냉장고

on the ceiling 천장

rent an apartment downtown 도심에

convenience stores in the park 편의점

Benson's department stores 백화점

major shopping store 쇼핑 센터

2. 여가생활

the modern art museum 미술관

in a ballroom 무도장

in the design showroom 전시실

a park with sports fields 운동장

in the square 광장

experience stage fright 무대

use the exercise facilities 운동

book seats for the theater 예약하다

lift weights 역기

fitness experts 헬스, 건강

be posted on the bulletin board 붙이다

reserve a table 예약하다

3. 여행

take a guided tour of the factory 안내를 받는

describe a trip route 경로

go sightseeing 구경하다. 관광하다

tour the plant 돌아다니며 보다

at check-out time 퇴실

confirm a reservation 예약

A housekeeper makes the beds.

(호텔의)메이드, 가정부

4. 교통․자동차․항공

automobile insurance 자동차

take public transportation to work 대중교통

a parking permit 주차 허가(증)

spare tires 예비 타이어

install a traffic signal 교통신호등

passengers waiting to board 승객

recommend seat[safety]belt use 안전벨트

stop onto the aircraft 비행기

the airline agent 항공사

move around the cabin 기내[비행기 안]

a London-to-Sydney flight 비행편, 비행기 여행

recruitment for in-flight personnel 객실

5. 건강

The clinic is closed today 병원

a close examination 검사

recover from an ankle injury 부상

common diseases 질병

give free influenza vaccinations 독감
