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opic 5회차(주거에 대하여)

by 명지한량 2014. 2. 25.

[5 회차]

# 5회차
Where do you live?
Give me a good description of your home.
What does it look like?
1. 주소
2. 주거형태
3. 주변 환경
4. 집 내부 묘사

# 표현설명
1. 사는 곳
I live in 동 which is southern part of Seoul.
I live in a house. 나는 주택에 삽니다.
I live in an apartment. 나는 아파트에 삽니다.
I live in a house(주택) in 동이름
**참고 : an independent/detached house 독립주택

2. 층
two-story / two-storied house : 2층집
*I live on the 8th floor. 나는 8층에 산다,
of a 12-story apartment building. 12층짜리 아파트에서

3. 원룸을 영어로?
I live in a studio apartment.
* one-room은 콩글리쉬!

4. 주변 환경은?
near~ opposite (from) behind
*There is a park near my house.
*There is a playground opposite (from) my house.

5. 전망은?
*The view from my apartment is very beautiful.
*ocean view/mountain view 바다 쪽/산 쪽 전망
I can see Han River from my apartment.
TIP 전체적인 그림에서 구체적인 묘사로 좁혀 들어갑시다.

6.집 내부는?
My apartment has~ , There is~.
a bath(room) 욕실 a bedroom 침실 a living room 거실
a kitchen 부엌 a study 서재 a loft 다락

7. 방 안에는?
*방에 무엇무엇이 있다.
There are~(x) There is~(0)
*There is a desk, a single-bed, and a closet(옷장).
single/double/twin/queen-sized/king-sized bed
TIP TIP! 내 방의 상태에 대해 살짝 언급을 하는 것도 좋다.
*neat and tidy 깔끔한
organized 정돈된

I live in a studio apartment in the Ilsan area.
I used to live in a one bedroom apartment.
When I saw my new apartment, I fell in love with it.
My apartment is on the 12th floor.
It has a beautiful view of a park.
There's a loft that is big enough for my queen-sized bed.
There's a kitchen, living room space for my sofa and TV and a nice bathroom.
Although I don't have a separate study, I enjoy reading in my loft before I go to bed every night.

in ~~ area : ~~지역에
fall in love with ~~ :~~와 사랑에 빠지다
a loft 다락
big enough (0) enough big(x)



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